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The GUOC Petition


People commit crimes because their Life-Qualities have been damaged, stolen or neglected by others or them self. Reclaiming those Life-Qualities means so much more than merely giving up on crime.


Committing a crime is about as wise as trying to get rid of a nasty cold by sneezing it onto other people.


Accepting your total-responsibility for your past bad choices is not about going on some guilt trip, it’s about recognising your total power and freedom to change.


Violence is the preventable use of excessive force - Don’t hug a thug:

Trying to steal happiness is like force-feeding greed.


The pull of good and evil have exactly equal strengths - for just as long as you're holding either's hand.


It’s the lies that cause the damage - the truth just hurts.

Victim-denial, is neither good nor brave for a victim or an offender.​

Good Laws are not meant to be broken; they are meant to prevent us from breaking each other.  


​Sexual offending has no worthwhile regard for the offender, either.


Treating a shell-shocked (by life) urge to commit crime, with due honour, is far better than trying to shame it. 


Suckling on the breastless-nipples of addiction will make a sad-sucker out of anyone, unless they're standing up for their inner child.


Being good can feel like a real drag sometimes, but can be kind of handy if you’re on a  slippery slope!


 Because empathy  can act as a simultaneous magnifying glass and mirror it can be doubly revealing, and a bit scary.


Inside any act of bravado, you can hide from anything, except for the things that you alone bring.


Size really matters, if you want want to be big enough to stop yourself from being a bully.


It's far far better to mistrust the crime than to mistrust yourself.


Our emotions can make very eager lookouts, but not always the best captains.


Never losing one’s temper.


Moral vertigo is the fear of reaching greater moral heights.


Crime urges can have great fantasies - but really dumb beliefs.


​​Why offenders are unlucky too - and why they need to make an Unlucky list.


A criminal genius, is anyone who can work out that crime never pays what it


******* promises.


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