At the centre of any crime urge lurks a lie, which becomes a nagging cell-mate for as long as you shut out the truth.
One of the biggest lies about crime is that it will improve your quality of life. Yet, to commit any crime you will need to reduce many of your Life-Qualities (including respect for self, others and the truth, etc.) so that regardless of whether you get caught or not, the improvements that you hope to gain from the crime will be lacking in quality, depth and longevity.
However, another huge lie is that committing a crime will help you to gain power and control over your situation. Whereas, the reality is there many subconscious (slights of mind) stubbornly sabotaging why and how you commit the crime, your sought after aims of gaining of power and control become limited to that of a rather doomed and disappointed (lurking) bystander.
(Spoiler alert!). Of course, opening your self to the truth doesn't always make dealing with life that easy either, but at least it will help to demolish the lies of any mistaken-self-identity. Plus, of course, recognising the truth is very handy for reclaiming any of your lost, damaged or neglected Life-qualities.